San Diego Appraiser Blog

The San Diego Multiple Listing Real Estate Data Service, SANDICOR, has successfully launched its new system Paragon this week. Paragon was designed to be mobile friendly, work on all kinds of devices and browsers, allow for multiple searches at one time, the uploading and display of slide shows, and new tools that allow appraisers to analyze data in greater detail. The new MLS system includes embedded training videos and they will do training sessions at larger real estate sales and appraisal offices on request. My appraisal office started using and testing the system when they rolled it out as a transitional system. Paragon has worked very well on our new computer systems using multiple browsers and is a major improvement over the prior MLS real estate data portal in terms of the new search tools and speed. Congratulations and our thanks to SANDICOR for such a successful and well planned launch.

Posted by Jennifer L. Chandos on May 21st, 2014 6:47 AMLeave a Comment

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